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Dividing Movies (Edit - Divide)
You can dixide a scene into two parts.
To delete mmecessary portion of scene, first divide the scene, and then delete the mmecessary portion.
1 Press the DISC NAVIGATION button.
2 Select the scene to be divided.
3 Press the MENU button.
4 Choose. "Scene". "Edit",
"Divide" and then press the
I_/ll button.
5 The "Divide Scene" screen
will appear: If you are sure
you want to dixide the
selected scene, press the I_-/1!button: The selected
scene will be played back.
If you want to change the scene to be divided, you can
change it on this screen.
The selected scene w'ill be played back.
6 "V\Nenyou reach the point
where you want to divide the
scene, press the SELECT
If you press the MENU button before pressing the 1-111
button in step 5, the submenu screen wilt appear. (R 102)
The status bar of scene being played back can be
switched off or on by pressing the DISPLAY button.
Search and frame advance are useful when designating
division points.
If a special effect has been added to the original scene,
the "IN" effect wilt be added to the first half of scene, and
the "OUT" effect, to the latter half.
The division point may drift before or after the designated
point by approximately 0.5 seconds.
Since a scene with a skip set cannot be played back, no
division point can be specified: Release the skip for the
scene before dividing it.
If the division point is at a still, a message will appear, but
no division will be made.
If the division point is at the start or end of a scene, a
message will appear, but no division will be made.
A movie scene whose recording time is 0.5 seconds or
less cannot be divided.
If free space available on disc is insufficient, division will
not be possible: Delete unnecessary scenes.
Pressing the button on the verification screen will
restore the thumbnail display screen.
Status bar of scene
being played back
7 The screen for veriA,ing r
dixisionwill appear:Choose [ f_
"YES", and then press the / D_dos_,,_
I_/ll button. 1__
Choose "NO" to cancel _ <_,a¢_ ,_
After division, the "Divide Scene" screen will be
Repeat steps 5-7 to divide another scene.
8 Press the button to quit.
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