User Manual - Page 36

For 2018 PICANTO.

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ýront passenþer's seat belt
warninþ may operate when luþ‐
þaþe is placed on the ýront pas‐
senþer seat.
Rear passenþer’s seat belt warninþ
(iý equipped)
As a reminder to the rear seat belt, the
rear seat belt warninþ liþhts will illumi‐
nate ýor approximately 6 seconds each
time you turn the iþnition switch æN
reþardless oý belt ýasteninþ.
And then, the rear correspondinþ seat
belt warninþ liþht will illuminate ýor ap‐
proximately 35 seconds, any the
ýollowinþ occurs;
- You start the enþine when the rear
belt is not ýastened.
- You drive over 9km/h when the rear
belt is not ýastened.
- The rear belt is disconnected when
drivinþ under 20km/h.
the rear seat belt is ýastened, the
warninþ liþht will turn oýý immediately.
the rear seat belt is disconnected
when you drive over the 20km/h, the
correspondinþ seat belt warninþ liþht
will blink and a warninþ chime will
sound ýor 35 seconds.
But, the rear passenþer's lap/shoul‐
der belt is/are connected and discon‐
nected twice within 9 seconds aýter the
belt is ýastened, the correspondinþ seat
belt warninþ liþht will not operate.
Lap/shoulder belt
Heiþht adjustment (ýront seat, iý equip‐
You can adjust the heiþht the shoul‐
der belt anchor to one the 3 posi‐
tions ýor maximum comýort and saýety.
The heiþht the adjustinþ seat belt
should not be too close to your neck.
The shoulder portion should be adjus‐
ted so that it lies across your chest and
midway over your shoulder near the
door and not your neck.
To adjust the heiþht the seat belt
anchor, lower or raise the heiþht ad‐
juster into an appropriate position.
Saýety ýeatures oý your vehicle
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