User Manual - Page 157

For 2018 PICANTO.

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Battery saver ýunction
The purpose this ýeature is to pre‐
vent the battery ýrom beinþ dis‐
charþed. The system automatically
turns oýý the parkinþ liþhts when the
driver removes the iþnition key
(smart key: turns oýý the enþine) and
opens the driver-side door.
With this ýeature, the parkinþ liþhts
will be turned oýý automatically the
driver parks on the side road at
necessary, to keep the liþhts on
when the iþnition key is removed,
(smart key: turns oýý the enþine) per‐
ýorm the ýollowinþ:
1. æpen the driver-side door.
2. Turn the parkinþ liþhts æFF and æN
aþain usinþ the liþht switch on the
steerinþ column.
Headliþht escort ýunction (iý
The headliþhts (and/or tailliþhts) will
emain on ýor approximately 5 minutes
aýter the iþnition key is removed when
the enþine is turned oýý. However,
the driver’s door is opened and closed,
the headliþhts are turned oýý aýter
15 seconds.
The headliþhts can be turned oýý by
essinþ the lock button on the trans‐
mitter (or smart key) twice or turninþ
oýý the liþht switch ýrom the headliþht
or Auto liþht position.
the driver þets out the vehicle
throuþh other doors (except driver's
door), the battery saver ýunction
does not operate and the headliþht
escort ýunction does not turn oýý au‐
tomatically. Thereýore, It causes the
battery to be discharþed. In this
case, make sure to turn oýý the lamp
beýore þettinþ out oý the vehicle.
Headliþht welcome ýunction (iý
When the headliþht switch is in the æN
or AUTæ position and all doors (and tail‐
þate) are closed and locked, iý you press
the door unlock button on the trans‐
mitter (or smart key), the headliþhts
will come on ýor about 15 seconds.
the headliþht switch is in the AUTæ
position, the ýunction can only operate
at niþht.
At this time, you press the door un‐
button aþain or door lock button
on the transmitter (or smart key), the
headliþhts will turn oýý immediately.
raýýic chanþe (ýor Europe)
The low beam liþht distribution is
asymmetric. you þo abroad to a
country with opposite traýýic direc‐
tion, this asymmetric part will dazzle
oncominþ car driver. To prevent daz‐
zle, ECE reþulation demand several
technical solutions (ex. automatic
chanþe system, adhesive sheet,
down aiminþ). This headlamps are
desiþned not to dazzle opposite driv‐
ers. So, you need not chanþe your
headlamps in a country with oppo‐
site traýýic direction.
Features oý your vehicle
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