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Block offensive words Toggle this setting On or Off. On will hide
recognized offensive text.
Bluetooth headset Toggle this setting On or Off. On will record audio
through a connected Bluetooth headset.
Voice search Allows you to set various voice search options.
Text-to-speech output Allows you to set the preferred speech engine,
speech rate, and pitch change. You can listen to an example and view
the default language status.
Pointer speed Allows you to set the pointer speed on a slide bar.
Reverse buttons Set to reverse the mouse buoons to use primary button
on right.
Backup & reset
LG Backup Allows you to copy data from a previous device to a new
device. You can also back up data or restore data from a previous back
Back up my data Enable this option to automatically backup your data to
Google servers.
Backup account Allows you to identify which account(s) to backup. You
can also add new accounts.
Automatic restore Enable this option to automatically restore your
device to its previous state when you reinstall an app.
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