Jenn-Air JES9750AAS electric slide-in range

User Manual - Page 3

For JES9750AAS.

PDF File Manual, 72 pages, Download pdf file

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NEVER useappliancetowarm or heat the
room. Failureto follow this instruction can
leadto possible burns, injury, fire, or dam-
age to the appliance.
NEVER wear loose-fitting or hanginggar-
ments while using the appliance. Clothing
could catch utensil handles or ignite and
cause burns if garment comes in contact
with hot heating elements.
To ensure proper operation and to avoid
damageto the applianceor possible injury,
do not adjust, service, repair or replaceany
part of the applianceunlessspecificallyrec-
ommended in this guide. Refer all other
servicing to a qualified technician.
NEVER store or use gasoline or other
combustible or flammable materials in the
oven, near surface units or in the vicinity of
this appliance asfumes could create a fire
hazard or an explosion.
To prevent greasefires, do not let cooking
grease or other flammable materials accu-
muhte in or near the appliance.
Use only dry pothoNers. Hoist or damp
pothoNers on hot surfaces may result in a
steam burn. Do not let pothoNers touch
hot heatingelements.Do not useatowel or
other bulky cloth which could easily touch
hot heating elements and ignite.
Always turn offall controls when cooking is
NEVER heat unopened containers on the
surface unit or in the oven. Pressure build-
up in the container may causecontainer to
burst resuking in burns,injury or damageto
This appliance has been tested for safe
performance usingconventional cookware.
Do not useany devicesor accessoriesthat
are not specifically recommended in this
manual.Do not useeyelid covers, stove top
grills or add-on oven convection systems.
The use of devicesor accessoriesthat are
not expressly recommended inthis manual
can create serious safetyhazards,result in
performance problems, and reduce the life
of the components of this appliance.
NEVER use aluminum foil to line drip
bowls or cover oven racksor oven bottom.
This could result in risk of electric shock,
fire, or damage to the appliance. Use foil
only as directed in this guide.
Aerosol-type cans are EXPLOSIVEwhen
exposed to heat and may be highly flam-
mable.Do not use or store near appliance.
NEVER leave surface units unattended
especially when using high heat. An unat-
tended boilover could cause smokingand a
greasy spillover can cause a fire.
This appliance is equipped with different
sizesurface dements. Select panswith flat
bottoms large enough to cover dement.
Fitting pan size to dement will improve
cooking efficiency.
[f panis smaller than element, a portion of
the dement will be exposed to direct con-
tact and could ignite clothing or potholder.
Only certain types of glass,glass/ceramic,
ceramic,earthenware, or other glazeduten-
silsare suitablefor cooktop or oven service
without breaking dueto the suddenchange
in temperature. Follow utensil
manufacturer'sinstructions when usingghss.
Turn panhandletoward center ofcooktop,
not out into the room or over another
surface element. This reduces the risk of
burns, ignition of flammable materials, or
spillage if pan is accidendy bumped or
reached by smallchildren.
NEVER cool< on broken cooktop. [f
cooktop should break, cleaning solutions
and spillovers may penetrate the broken
cooktop and create a risk of electric shock.
Contact a qualified technician immediately.
Cleancooktop with caution. Somecleaners
can produce noxious fumes if applied to a
hot surface.[fa wet sponge, c[oth, or paper
towel is used on a hot cooking area, be
careful to avoid steam burn.
Useextreme cautionwhen movingthe grease
panor disposingof hot grease.Allow grease
to cool before attempting to move pan.
Usecare when opening door. Let hot air or
steam escape before removing or replacing
For proper ovenoperation and performance,
do not block or obstruct oven vent duct
located on the right side of the air grille.
When oven is in use, the area near the vent
and right side of the air grille may become
hot enough to cause burns.
Always place oven racks in desired locations
while oven is cool. [f rack must be moved
while oven is hot, do not let potholder
contact hot dement in oven.
Clean only parts listed in this guide. Do not
cleandoor gasket.The gasket isessentialfor
a good sea[. Do not rub, damage, or move
the gasket.
Do not use oven cleaners. No commercial
oven cleaner or oven liner protective coat-
ing of any kind should be used in or around
any part of the oven,
Before self-cleaningthe oven, remove broiler
pan,oven racks andother utensilsto prevent
excessivesmoking,discoloration of the oven
racks or possible damageto utensils.
Wipe upexcessive spi[[overs, especially greasy
spills, before the clean cycle to prevent
smoking, flare-ups or flaming.
[t is normal for the cool<top to become hot
during adean cycle.Therefore, avoid touch-
ingthe cool<top, door, window or oven vent
during a dean cycle.
Slide-in ranges feature a cooling fan which
operates automatically during a dean cycle.
[f the fan does not turn on, cancel the dean
operation and contact an authorized servicer.
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