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Text color - Choose from a list of colors for the text. As you move the highlight to
each color, you can see a sample of the result in an adjacent panel.
Text opacity - Choose from a list of opacity settings for the text. This setting
determines how much the area behind the text shows through the text. A value of
100% blocks all of the content behind the text. As you move the highlight to each
setting, you can see a sample of the result in an adjacent panel.
Background color - Choose from a list of colors for the background area behind
the text. As you move the highlight to each color, you can see a sample of the
result in an adjacent panel. Note that you won’t see any change unless you set the
Background opacity to a value other than Off.
Background opacity - Choose from a list of opacity settings for the background of
the caption. This setting determines how much the area behind the caption
background shows through the background. A value of 100% blocks all of the
content behind the background. As you move the highlight to each setting, you
can see a sample of the result in an adjacent panel.
Window color - Choose from a list of colors for the window rectangle surrounding
the entire caption. As you move the highlight to each color, you can see a sample
of the result in an adjacent panel. Note that you won’t see any change unless you
set the Window opacity to a value other than Default or Off.
Window opacity - Choose from a list of opacity settings for the window rectangle
surrounding the entire caption. This setting determines how much the area behind
the caption window shows through the window. A value of 100% blocks all of the
content behind the window. As you move the highlight to each setting, you can
see a sample of the result in an adjacent panel.
Audio Guide settings
Audio Guide settings help users who are blind or visually impaired to configure the text-
to-speech reader, enabling them to operate their TV more easily. Audio Guide uses voice
prompts that speak volume and channel changes, menu options, and setting changes.
Access Audio Guide settings from the Home screen by navigating to Settings >
Accessibility, and then select from the following options in the Audio Guide section:
Audio Guide Turn Audio Guide on or off.
Speech rateSelect one of four speeds at which to hear spoken guide
information: Slow, Normal, Fast, or Very Fast.
Volume Select the volume at which to hear spoken guide information, relative to
the main TV volume.
Shortcut Enable or disable the shortcut feature. When enabled (the default),
pressing the Option button four times in quick succession enables or disables
the Audio Guide.
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