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"packageCategory": [
"Local Info",
Make sure both files are saved
Put the USB device in the TV and [Clone USB to TV] in the professional menu
16.4.2 How to install your own apk if already other apps are installed
Copy your xxx.apk into …/MasterCloneData/AndroidApps/
Edit the ‘AndroidAppsMetaData.json’ file in the /AndroidApps/ folder as explained in the
previous chapter and pay attention:
o Each apk must have a unique ‘packagePosition’
o You can edit country and category by removing the unnecessary ones
o Don’t forget to correctly indicate the total number of apps at the top of the file or it
won’t load: ‘availablePackages’
Edit the ‘AndroidApp_Identifier.txt’ file in the /AndroidApps/ folder
If you don’t want other apps except your own app to be installed then in the professional menu you
need to set [Features] [Apps] [Mode] to [Local Apps].
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