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1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations
[ ]: The values between brackets are referring to a TV menu item or a button on screen
“ “: The values between quotation marks are referring to a remote button
BT: Bluetooth
DVB-T: Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial
DVB-C: Digital Video Broadcasting - Cable
HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTV: Hotel Television
IR: Infrared
JAPIT: JSON API for TV is the API specification to control the Philips TV
LCN: Logical Channel Number
MB: Megabyte
MHz: Megahertz
OSD: On Screen Display
PTA: Philips TV Application
RC: Remote Control
SI: System Integrator
STBY: Standby
SW: Software
TV: Television
WIxP: Web Internet eXPress
1.4 How to navigate, open menu’s and make selections
Navigating in the menu can be done with the “up”, “down”, “left” and “right” arrow buttons
on the remote control
Opening a menu can be done with the “OK” button
The OKbutton can also be used to activate buttons that can be seen on the screen like
[Done], [Cancel], [Close], [Yes], [No], …
In many places in the menu you need to press the OKbutton after you selected an item to
confirm your selection. Navigating to this menu item and go back to the menu will not store
your selection
Changing the value of a slider can be done using the up” and “down” arrow, your selection
will be remembered without pressing the “OK” button
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