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Serves 4-6
1 large onion, chopped
25 g butter
1 clove garlic, crushed
225 g carrots, diced
225 g leeks, chopped
225 g courgettes, diced
1 green pepper, chopped
150 ml hot vegetable stock
salt and pepper
300 ml prepared tomato sauce
175 g fresh lasagne sheets
225 g Mozzarella cheese
Dish: 1 x large Pyrex
casserole dish with lid,
1 x Pyrex
rectangular dish
Accessory: Enamel tray
1. Place onion and butter in a casserole dish,
cover and cook on 1000 W for 3 minutes. Add
vegetables and stock, cover and cook on
1000 W for 8-10 minutes or until vegetables are
soft, drain. Season to taste.
2. Cover base of rectangular dish with a thin layer
of tomato sauce, then a layer of lasagne on top
followed by a layer of vegetable mixture. Thinly
slice 175 g of the cheese and layer on top of
vegetables. Continue layering until ingredients
are all used ending with a tomato sauce layer.
3. Grate remaining cheese and arrange over
top. Cook on enamel tray on Combination:
Convection 190 °C + 300 W for 20-25 minutes
or until the pasta is cooked.
Serves 4
100 g butter
225 g plain flour
50 g Parmesan cheese, grated finely
1 red pepper, diced into 4 cm pieces
1 yellow pepper, diced into 4 cm pieces
2 medium courgettes, sliced
100 g auberbine, diced into
4 cm pieces
15 ml olive oil
100 g soft goat’s cheese
3 eggs, beaten
75 ml crème fraiche or double cream
15 ml fresh parsley, chopped
salt and pepper
Dish: 1 x large mixing bowl, 1 x 23 cm flan dish,
1 x Jug
Accessory: Enamel tray
1. Preheat the oven on Convection 200 °C.
2. Rub the butter into the flour until the mixture
resembles fine breadcrumbs. Stir in the
parmesan, add 30-45 ml cold water and mix to a
firm dough.
3. Roll out and line the flan dish. Prick the base
with a fork and allow to rest for 15 minutes.
4. Cover the pastry with greaseproof, add baking
beans and cook on enamel tray on Convection
200 °C for 10 minutes. Remove the paper and
beans and cook for a further 5 minutes or until
cooked. Allow to cool.
5. Place the prepared vegetables on enamel tray
and drizzle with olive oil. Cook on Combination:
Grill 1 + 300 W for 10-12 minutes or until lightly
browned. Turn halfway during cooking.
6. Place the vegetables in the flan case and dot
teaspoons of the goat’s cheese around the
7. Beat together the eggs and creme fraiche until
smooth, add the parsley and seasoning. Pour
carefully over the filling.
8. Place on enamel tray and cook on
Combination: Convection 190 °C + 100 W for
20-23 minutes or until set and lightly browned.
Serves 4
450 g potatoes,
25 g butter
30 ml oil
Dish: none
Accessory: Enamel tray
1. Peel and cut potatoes into quarters. Par boil and
drain (see page 66).
2. Place potatoes, oil and butter on enamel tray.
3. Cook on Combination: Convection 220 ºC
+ 100 W for 27 minutes turning and basting
potatoes during cooking, or until crisp and
– 86 –
Vegetables and Vegetarian
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