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Gourmet Center
Turnovers +
Serves 12
Apple Filling
1 sheet puff pastry
1 large granny smith apple, peeled and
¼ inch dice
1/8 tsp cinnamon
2 tbsp light brown sugar
½ tsp lemon juice
¼ c water
½ tsp corn starch
1 tbsp cold water
Crème Anglaise
1 c milk
1 c heavy cream
1 bourbon vanilla bean, scraped (use all
of it)
4 egg yolks, whites whisked and
reserved for puff pastry
¼ c sugar
Apple Filling
Peel the granny smith apple. Dice into
¼inch cubes. Toss with lemon juice.
Add the apples, ¼c cold water,
cinnamon, and brown sugar to a sauce
pan. Bring to a simmer.
In a small bowl mix ½tsp of cornstarch
with 1 tbsp of water. Mix this together
until a milky liquid is formed. Pour
immediately into apple mixture as you
whisk vigorously for at least
15seconds. Reduce heat slightly and
simmer until apples are al dente but not
over cooked, about 5minutes.
Crème Anglaise
Bring 1 pot of water, (about half way
filled) to a simmer. In another sauce
pan, warm up heavy cream and milk.
Whisk in vanilla bean and the
scrapings. Do not bring to a simmer,
heat up to about 100°F.
In a room temperature heat proof
mixing bowl combine sugar and egg
yolk until sugar is dissolved. Slowly
drizzle in milk/cream mixture into egg
yolks. Whisk vigorously so you do not
scramble the egg yolks.
Place metal bowl over the pot of
simmering water. Whisk the sauce
rapidly and rotate bowl until the sauce
reaches a temperatures 176°F do not
cook over 180°F. Strain the sauce into
a bowl and immediately place into an
ice bath to stop the cooking process.
Reserve sauce in refrigerator and serve
sauce cold with turn over.
Filling Turnovers
When the apple filling is cooled, place a
semi-frozen sheet of puff pastry on a
parchment lined cutting board. Cut out
twelve 3 x 3inch in squares and place
on a lined parchment lined sheet pan.
Brush the inside of the puff pastry with
egg whites. Place no more than a
quarter sized amount of apple in the
center of each pastry. Turn fold the
pastry in half and seal tightly with the
tines of a fork.
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