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The temperature settings below are
suggestions, and may need to be adjusted
up or down according to initial temperature of
ingredients being cooked, and amount of food
being dipped or cooked at any given time.
Chocolate Fondues
Heat cream/liquid until it reaches a slow boil
on Setting 4½–5. Reduce temperature to
Setting 3½–4 to gradually add chocolate to
simmering liquid.
Hold chocolate fondues at Setting 3 for
Cheese Fondues
Cook finely chopped onions and other
aromatic vegetables for flavoring at Setting
5½–6. Increase temperature to Setting
6½ to add liquids and bring to slow boil.
Reduce heat to Setting 4½–5 to gradually
add shredded cheeses.
Hold cheese fondues for serving at Setting 3.
Broth Fondues
Sauté finely chopped onions, other aromatic
vegetables, and herbs/spices for flavoring the
broth at Setting 5–6. Add liquid and bring to
a boil at Setting 7. Reduce the heat to Setting
3½ to simmer broth.
Hold broth-based fondues for serving at
Setting 3½–4.
Oil Fondues
Heat oil at Setting 7½ for 10–15 minutes
until oil is barely bubbling and tests at 375°F
when tested with a candy/deep fry thermom-
eter, or a 1-inch cube of bread is cooked to a
golden, toasty brown. If maximum quantities
of cold food are added simultaneously, it may
be necessary to increase temperature from
Setting 7½ to 8.
Adjust temperature setting as needed to main-
tain oil temperature.
When making fondue, use a wine or beer that
you would prefer drinking. Taste and flavor are
important – if you wouldn’t drink it, don’t cook
with it. The same holds true for liquors and
liqueurs. A Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio
is a good choice for making cheese fondue.
Champagne or Prosecco is another good
choice. Chardonnays and red wines are not
recommended for fondue cooking because the
taste of chardonnay can be overwhelming and
red wine lacks color appeal.
Foods for dipping should not be left at room
temperature for longer than 2 hours. For safety,
present raw meats, poultry, and seafood in a
shallow bowl over a bed of ice to keep prop-
erly chilled. Remove any ice crystals or excess
water before cooking in fondue pot.
Cook no more than 8 pieces of food at one
time to ensure thorough cooking and to
prevent splashing.
Dipping foods should be cut into bite-sized
pieces. Meats can be cut into cubes or
into strips.
Blanch or gently steam vegetables to make
them tender for dipping into fondues. This will
set the color, and will help them to cook or
heat through more quickly. Vegetables such as
green beans, broccoli and cauliflower should
be crisp to tender. New potatoes should be
steamed until tender but still firm. There is no
need to precook green onions or bell pepper
Fondue dipping sauces can be served in bowls
with ladles so a small amount of sauce can
be placed on each dining plate, or individual
ramekins can be used for each diner.
To serve fondue at the dining table, set fondue
pot in the center of the table on a trivet. It may
be a good idea to cover the table with a protec-
tor and tablecloth, as there may be dripping.
To serve fondue, give each diner a dinner
plate, a fondue fork and a dinner fork along
with a large napkin.
Fondue etiquette indicates that the food
should not be eaten from the fondue fork, but
transferred first to the diner’s own fork. Fondue
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