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Tested for you in our cooking studio en
Prove dough
Your yeast dough will prove considerably more quickly
using this heating function than at room temperature
and will not dry out. Do not start the appliance if the
cooking compartment is not completely cool.
Always allow yeast dough to prove twice.Use the
settings indicated in the settings tables for the first and
second proving stages (dough fermentation stage and
final fermentation stage).
Dough fermentation
Place the dough into a heat-resistant bowl and place
this onto the wire rack. Use the settings indicated in the
Do not open the appliance door while the dough is
proving, otherwise moisture will escape. Do not cover
the dough.
Condensation builds up during the proving process,
which steams up the door panel. Wipe out the cooking
compartment after dough proving.Remove any
limescale with a little vinegar and wipe with clean water.
Final fermentation
Place your dough into the oven at the shelf position
indicated in the table.
If you want to preheat the oven, the final fermentation
stage takes place outside the appliance in a warm
The temperature and proving time are dependent on
the type and quantity of the ingredients. For this reason,
the values indicated in the settings table are intended
as a guide only.
For defrosting frozen fruit, vegetables and baked items.
Poultry, meat and fish should ideally be defrosted in the
refrigerator. Not suitable for cream cakes or cream
Use the following shelf positions when defrosting:
■ 1 wire rack: Position 2
■ 2 wire racks: Positions 3 + 1
The times indicated in the table are intended as a guide
only.They are dependent on the quality, freezing
temperature (-18 °C) and composition of the food. Time
ranges are indicated.Set the shortest time to begin with,
and then extend the time if necessary.
Tip: Food that has been frozen in thinner pieces or in
portions defrosts more quickly than food items frozen in
a block.
Remove frozen food from its packaging and place it
onto the wire rack in suitable cookware.
Redistribute the food or turn it once or twice as it
defrosts. Large pieces of food should be turned several
times.As the food defrosts, break up any clumps and
remove items which have already defrosted from the
cooking compartment.
To allow the temperature to equalise, leave the
defrosted food to rest for another 10 to 30 minutes in
the appliance after switching it off.
Keeping warm
You can keep cooked dishes warm using the top/
bottom heating type at 70 °C. This will avoid
condensation developing, and means you will not have
to wipe out the cooking compartment.
Do not keep cooked dishes warm for longer than two
hours. Be aware that some dishes may continue
cooking whilst being kept warm. Cover the dishes if
Dish Accessories/cookware Shelf posi-
Type of
Step Tempera-
ture in °C
time in
Yeast dough, light Bowl 2
1. - 25-30
Baking tray 2
2. - 10-20
Yeast dough, heavy and rich Bowl 2
1. - 60-75
Heat-resistant cookware 2
2. - 45-60
Dish Accessories/cookware Shelf posi-
ture in °C
time in
Bread, general Baking tray 2
50 40-70
Cake, moist Baking tray 2
50 70-90
Cake, dry Baking tray 2
60 60-75
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