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You'll use these buttons for the
Auto Code Search.
Important: The remote may not
be compatible with all models of
all brands of components. It also
may not operate all functions of
the remote that came with your
To stop the automatic code search without
programming any components, press and hold
CLEAR until the indicator on the remote turns
Programming the Remote to Operate
Other Components
The [l[llV(,rsa] r('II]Ot(' call l)(' prograII]II]('d to op(Tat(' n]ost brands ()f r('II]ot('
controllable, components. The r_,motc is alr_'ady programm(,d to op(TaR' most
RCA components.
Also, the A(TXoHI) button can be programmed to operate most brands of an
additional remote-controllable component (such as a VCR, D\q) player, satellite
receiver or cable box).
Note: The TV button can't be programmed on this remote.
Find Out If You Need to Program the Remote
To d_,t_,rmJnc wh_,th_,r the, unJv_,rsal re,noR, needs to b_' programm_,d to opt,rate
one of the components connected to your TV, such as a I)VI) player, clo the
i. Turn on the component (in this example, a DVI) player).
2. Point the remote at the component.
3. Pt_'ss the com,sponding component button (in this example, the 1)VI)
4. Pr_,ss ON-OFF to see if the DVD player responds. If the 1)VI) player
doesn't respond, you need to program the r_'mote to operate it.
Programming the Remote
Th('r(' al'(' two ways to t)rogl-an] [h(' F('II_Ot(' control:
autolI_atJc code search
direct entry
Using Automatic Code Search
The' following instructions can b_' used to program the, ,_,motc to op_,raR, _,ach
of your components. If you want to stop the automatic code search without
programming any of your components, press CLEAR until the indicator on the
r_,mote turns oft'.
Note: The AUX°HD button on this remote is set by default to search
for codes for DVD players only. If you want to program it for use with a
different component, use the direct entry method.
Turn on the component you want to opt,rate (VCR, I)VI) play,'r, _'tc.)
Pr_'ss and hold the component button you want to program (1)VD or
AUX-HD). While holding the component button, press and hold ON-OFF
until the indicator on the remote turns on, then release both buttons.
Point the remote at the component. Keep the r_,mote pointed at the
component until the end of this step.
Pr_,ss and release PLAY, then wait 5 seconds or until the indicator on the
remote stops flashing.
24 Chapter 2
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