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Makes 1 loaf or 8 rolls
450 g strong bread flour
1 sachet dried yeast
5 ml salt
15 g butter or margarine
275 ml warm water
For Wholemeal Bread
Use 225 g each of
wholemeal and strong
white bread flour.
For Granary Bread
Use 450 g granary flour
instead of strong white
bread flour.
Standard Bread / Bread Rolls
In a large bowl, combine the flour, yeast and salt. Rub in the butter or
margarine. Add the warm water then mix to a dough. Turn onto a floured
surface and knead for 10 mins. For 1 loaf mould into the desired shape on
the greased enamel shelf. For rolls divide into 8 and shape into rolls.
Place on the greased enamel shelf. Cover and prove until the dough has
doubled in size in a warm place or place in the oven to prove on OVEN
40°C. Preheat on OVEN 200°C. Glaze bread with beaten egg and
sprinkle with seeds, if desired. Place enamel shelf in oven in the lower
shelf position and cook on OVEN 200°C for 25 - 30 mins for a loaf or 15 -
20 mins for rolls or until golden.
MAKES 1 loaf
500 g stoneground rye flour,
pinch of salt,
7 g sachet fast-action dried yeast,
1 level tbsp black treacle,
450 ml warm water
Dish: 18 cm square cake tin,
Rye bread approx 50 - 55 min
Tip the rye fl our into a food mixer with a dough hook. Add the salt
and yeast. Stir the black treacle into water until it dissolves and then
pour it into the flour. Mix for about 5-8 mins, until it feels stretchy.
Alternatively, beat the mixture by hand, using a wooden spoon. This
dough is very soft and stickier than a traditional dough mixture. Turn
the mixture out on to a surface lightly dusted with some rye flour and
work it into a ball with a smooth surface. Press the dough into the tin,
with the smooth surface uppermost, and using your knuckles to press
it out into the corners of the tin. Prove in a warm place or on OVEN
40°C. Preheat on OVEN 170°C with enamel shelf in lower shelf posi-
tion. Cook on OVEN 170°C for 40 mins. Remove the loaf from the
oven and turn it out on to the enamel tray. Return the loaf to the oven
to bake for a further 10-15 mins, or until it sounds hollow when
tapped on it’s base. Remove the loaf from the oven and transfer it to
a wire rack to cool.
F0003BM51BP.indd sec90
2016/3/21 16:20:23
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