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Bread Flour
Flour is the most important ingredient
used for bread making. It provides food
for the yeast and structures the loaf. When
mixed with liquid, the protein in the flour
starts to form gluten. Gluten is a network
of elastic strands which interlock to trap
the gases produced by yeast. This process
increases as the dough undergoes kneading
and provides the dough with the structure
required to produce the weight and shape of
the bread.
Bread flour, also known as bakers flour or
bread maker flour is a high protein (gluten),
white flour. For bread maker baking, we
recommend using bread flour over plain
flour as it produces a tall, springy loaf.
Keep flour in a secure, airtight container.
There is no need to sift flour when bread
maker baking.
Rye Flour
Rye flour is alow protein (gluten) flour
traditionally used to make pumpernickel
and black breads. Rye flour must generally
always be mixed with a high proportion of
bread flour as it does not contain enough
gluten to develop the structure for a high,
even-grained loaf.
Self-raising Flour
Self-raising flour is not recommended for
bread maker baking except for cakes as it
contains leavening ingredients that interfere
with bread making. This flour is more suited
for biscuits, scones, shortcakes, pancakes
or waffles.
Wholemeal Flour
Wholemeal flour is milled from the entire
wheat kernel, hence it contains all the bran,
germ and flour of the whole wheat grain.
Although breads baked with wholemeal
will be higher in fibre, the loaf is generally
smaller and heavier than white loaves.
Glazes enhance the flavour of baked breads
and give them a professional finish. After
glazing, breads can be sprinkled with your
favorite seeds and toppings eg. poppy,
sesame or caraway seeds.
Egg Glaze
Use 1 egg white or 1 whole egg plus 1
tablespoon of water. Brush over dough
before baking.
Melted Butter Crust
Brush melted butter over just-baked bread
for a softer, more tender crust.
Milk Glaze
Brush milk or cream over just-baked bread
for a softer, shiny crust.
Sweet Icing Glaze
Mix 1 cup sifted icing sugar with 1 to 2
tablespoons of milk until smooth. Drizzle
over raisin bread or sweet breads when they
are almost cool.
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