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RNeasy Mini Handbook 10/2019
2. Follow either step 2a or 2b.
2a. For RNAprotect stabilized tissues:
If using the entire tissue, place it directly into a suitably sized vessel for disruption
and homogenization, and proceed to step 3.
If using only a portion of the tissue, cut it on a clean surface. Weigh the piece to be
used, and place it into a suitably sized vessel for disruption and homogenization.
Proceed to step 3.
RNA in RNAprotect stabilized tissues is protected during cutting and weighing of
tissues at ambient temperature (1525°C). It is not necessary to cut the tissues on
ice or dry ice or in a refrigerated room. Remaining tissues can be stored in
RNAprotect Tissue Reagent. Previously stabilized tissues can be stored at 90 to
−65°C without the reagent.
2b. For unstabilized fresh or frozen tissues:
If using the entire tissue, place it directly into a suitably sized vessel for disruption
and homogenization, and proceed immediately to step 3.
If using only a portion of the tissue, weigh the piece to be used, and place it into a
suitably sized vessel for disruption and homogenization. Proceed immediately to
step 3.
RNA in harvested tissues is not protected until the tissues are treated with
RNAprotect Tissue Reagent, flash-frozen, or disrupted and homogenized in step 3.
Frozen tissues should not be allowed to thaw during handling. The relevant
procedures should be carried out as quickly as possible.
Note: Remaining fresh tissues can be placed into RNAprotect Tissue Reagent to
stabilize RNA (see protocol on page 36). However, previously frozen tissues thaw
too slowly in the reagent, preventing the reagent from diffusing into the tissues
quickly enough to prevent RNA degradation.
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