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Why Homemade?
Babies typically triple their weight in the first year. So, if we are what we
eat, it’s our job to make sure Baby’s food is fresh and healthy!
With the Baby Bullet, creating homemade food for your baby is a faster, healthier,
less expensive alternative to buying overpriced, over processed jarred baby food.
Until now, jarred baby food has been considered the most convenient way
to feed your growing baby, but now with the Baby Bullet, you can make
wholesome, homemade baby food in just minutes. That’s less time than it
takes to find your keys, put the stroller in the trunk and get the baby in the car!
Did you know that jarred baby food has a shelf life of up to 3 years. What??
You wouldn’t feed your baby a 3 year old banana, so why is it okay to feed
your sweet cherub 3 year old banana baby food? How fresh can a banana be
that’s been sitting on a shelf for 3 years? At Baby Bullet, we feel strongly that
homemade baby food is more nutritious than commercially prepared baby food
because it is fresher and much less processed.
Even when jarred food is labeled both preservative free and organic, the
reason it can have a shelf life of 3 years is because it’s been heated to
such an enormous degree that no bacteria can survive in it. But guess
what – not all vitamins and minerals can survive that kind of heat
either! So, some of the nutrition has been leached out of jarred food
during that preservation process.
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