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10 - 12 Months!
Now that Baby has grown accustomed to solid foods, you can phase out baby-only
purées and start creating meals the WHOLE family can enjoy! Spoon an appropriate
portion of your family’s soup, pasta, or rice-based dish into the Baby Bullet, add water,
and blend until you’ve achieved the proper consistency to serve to Baby as well.
The less custom baby meals you prepare, the more time you will have AWAY from
the kitchen! Family leftovers can also be puréed in the Baby Bullet and stored in the
refrigerator or freezer, provided that a used utensil has not touched them.
Self Feeding
It is very important to encourage self-feeding once your baby has reached 10 months.
Provide Baby with a spoon at each meal and serve consistencies that keep their
shape when traveling from bowl to mouth to minimize spillage. Prepare tiny bits of
food that Baby can pinch between fingers at every feeding; beans and small pieces of
fruit make wonderful finger foods for little mouths.
Though wheat is included on the First Year No-No List (pg 38), many pediatricians
recommend pasta and cereal as introductory finger foods. Check with your doctor to
see if your child can benefit from these wheat products at the 10-month mark.
Also, if your pediatrician approves, begin adding nuts and nut butters to your baby’s
diet, as they are easy to prepare and full of protein, nutrients, and healthy fats. As with
all new foods, follow the 4-day Food Introduction Schedule and document all reac-
tions in your Food Journal.
Keep Introducing New Flavors
Once you pass the one-year mark, Baby may become a bit more finicky about trying
new foods, so do your best to introduce a wide spectrum of textures and flavors
between the 10 and 12-month marks.
Now that Baby’s dishes contain more ingredients, you will save time by making larger
batches of Baby Bullet servings in advance. Schedule one or two days to cook a few
favorite single-ingredient purées, and store them in the freezer (see batch cooking
on g 70). You will then have several ingredients on hand when a recipe calls for a
specific purée—saving you preparation time and allowing you greater creativity on a
moment’s notice.
Feeding Schedule
for Months 10 - 12
Food groups:
4 - 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. 4 servings of grains, 2 - 3 servings of protein, 1
serving of dairy (1/2 cup yogurt or 1 oz of grated cheese).
Food consistency: Increase the chunkiness, plenty of finger foods.
Foods: avocado, brown rice cereal, peas, zucchini, squash, apple, pear, banana,
sweet potato, asparagus, carrots, green beans, white potato, peach, tofu,
cottage cheese, milled oatmeal cereal, milled millet cereal, apricot, cantaloupe, plum,
watermelon, broccoli, cauliower, beets, brussel sprouts, lentils, turnip, kale,
eggplant, pineapple, greens, nut butter,
red meat, sh, turkey, beans, cheese.
3 - 4 Baby Bullet Servings
3 - 4 Baby Bullet Servings
1 - 2 Baby Bullet Servings
3 - 4 Baby Bullet Servings
Wake Up Time
Time Food Drink
Recipes for
Months 10 - 12
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