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1. Know Your Monitor
Other than Possible Atrial Fibrillation, Bradycardia, Tachycardia, Normal, Unclassified and Unreadable, EKG error messages may appear on
the app due to some reasons such as a shortage of recording time, too noisy to interpret or etc. If it appears, follow the suggestions on the
After EKG analysis, the app may incorrectly identify ventricular flutter, ventricular bigeminy, and ventricular rigeminy heart conditions as
unreadable. Consult with your physician.
OMRON does not guarantee that you are not experiencing an arrhythmia or other health conditions when labeling an EKG as normal.
You should notify your physician for possible changes in your health.
If the “OMRON connect US/CAN” app detects possible atrial fibrillation in an EKG, consult with your physician before making any medical
decision, including altering your use of any drug or treatment.
The atrial fibrillation detector evaluates for possible atrial fibrillation ONLY. It will NOT detect other potentially life threatening arrhythmias,
and it is possible that other cardiac arrhythmias may be present.
The atrial fibrillation detector ONLY evaluates for possible atrial fibrillation after you have recorded an EKG. It does NOT continuously
monitor your heart and therefore cannot alert you if atrial fibrillation happens at any other time.
Result of “Bradycardia” or “Tachycardia” are designations of heart rate, not a clinical diagnosis of an actual arrhythmia. Consult with your
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