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Cadence: Cycling. The number of revolutions of the crank arm.
Your device must be connected to a cadence accessory for
this data to appear.
Cadence: Running. The steps per minute (right and left).
Calories: The amount of total calories burned.
Distance: The distance traveled for the current track or activity.
Elapsed Time: The total time recorded. For example, if you start
the timer and run for 10 minutes, then stop the timer for 5
minutes, then start the timer and run for 20 minutes, your
elapsed time is 35 minutes.
Elevation: The altitude of your current location above or below
sea level.
Heart Rate: Your heart rate in beats per minute (bpm). Your
device must be connected to a compatible heart rate monitor.
HR %Max.: The percentage of maximum heart rate.
HR Zone: The current range of your heart rate (1 to 5). The
default zones are based on your user profile and maximum
heart rate (220 minus your age).
Lap %HRR: The average percentage of heart rate reserve
(maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate) for the current
Lap Cadence: Cycling. The average cadence for the current
Lap Cadence: Running. The average cadence for the current
Lap Distance: The distance traveled for the current lap.
Lap HR: The average heart rate for the current lap.
Lap HR %Max.: The average percentage of maximum heart
rate for the current lap.
Lap Pace: The average pace for the current lap.
Laps: The number of laps completed for the current activity.
Lap Speed: The average speed for the current lap.
Lap Time: The stopwatch time for the current lap.
Last Lap Cadence: Cycling. The average cadence for the last
completed lap.
Last Lap Cadence: Running. The average cadence for the last
completed lap.
Last Lap Distance: The distance traveled for the last completed
Last Lap Pace: The average pace for the last completed lap.
Last Lap Speed: The average speed for the last completed lap.
Last Lap Time: The stopwatch time for the last completed lap.
Maximum Speed: The top speed for the current activity.
Pace: The current pace.
Speed: The current rate of travel.
Sunrise: The time of sunrise based on your GPS position.
Sunset: The time of sunset based on your GPS position.
Temperature: The temperature of the air. Your body
temperature affects the temperature sensor.
Time in Zone: The time elapsed in each heart rate or power
Time of Day: The time of day based on your current location
and time settings (format, time zone, daylight saving time).
Timer: The stopwatch time for the current activity.
Training Effect: The current impact (1.0 to 5.0) on your aerobic
VO2 Max. Standard Ratings
These tables include standardized classifications for VO2 max. estimates by age and gender.
Males Percentile 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 70–79
Superior 95 55.4 54 52.5 48.9 45.7 42.1
Excellent 80 51.1 48.3 46.4 43.4 39.5 36.7
Good 60 45.4 44 42.4 39.2 35.5 32.3
Fair 40 41.7 40.5 38.5 35.6 32.3 29.4
Poor 0–40 <41.7 <40.5 <38.5 <35.6 <32.3 <29.4
Females Percentile 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 70–79
Superior 95 49.6 47.4 45.3 41.1 37.8 36.7
Excellent 80 43.9 42.4 39.7 36.7 33 30.9
Good 60 39.5 37.8 36.3 33 30 28.1
Fair 40 36.1 34.4 33 30.1 27.5 25.9
Poor 0–40 <36.1 <34.4 <33 <30.1 <27.5 <25.9
Data reprinted with permission from The Cooper Institute. For more information, go to www.CooperInstitute.org.
Heart Rate Zone Calculations
Zone % of
Heart Rate
Perceived Exertion Benefits
1 50–60% Relaxed, easy pace,
rhythmic breathing
aerobic training,
reduces stress
2 60–70% Comfortable pace,
slightly deeper
breathing, conversation
Basic cardiovascular
training, good
recovery pace
3 70–80% Moderate pace, more
difficult to hold
Improved aerobic
capacity, optimal
cardiovascular training
Zone % of
Heart Rate
Perceived Exertion Benefits
4 80–90% Fast pace and a bit
uncomfortable, breathing
Improved anaerobic
capacity and
threshold, improved
5 90–100% Sprinting pace,
unsustainable for long
period of time, labored
Anaerobic and
muscular endurance,
increased power
Appendix 13
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