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After the implementation of the European Directive 2012/19/EU in the national legal
system, the following applies : electrical and electronic devices may not be dis
posed of with domestic waste. Consumers are obliged by law to return electrical
and electronic device at the end of their service lives to the public collecting points
set up for this purpose or point of sale. Details to this are defined by the national law
of the respective country. This symbol on the product, the instruction manual or
the package indicates that a product is subject to these regulations. By recycling,
reusing the materials or other forms of utilizing old devices, you are making an
important contribution to protecting our environment.
©2018 Kronoz LLC, all rights reserved. Kronoz LLC,
Avenue Louis-Casai 18 - 1209 Geneva - Switzerland
All brands or product names are or may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Pictures and specifications are not contractual. Les marques citées sont des
marques déposées par leur fabricant respectif. Photos et caractéristiques
non contractuelles.
Designed in Switzerland - Made in China
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