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Record Delay Record Delay specifies in seconds how long the delay between alarm activation and recording
should be.
Relay Out Relay Out triggers a connected alarm (connected to the alarm port on the back of the camera)
when an alarm on the camera is triggered.
S/N S/N stands for serial number. The S/N is unique to each camera and can be used to connect to different
Amcrest apps and services to provide different methods of access to the camera.
Sensitivity Sensitivity is the amount of change required to increase the motion detected by a percentage.
The lower the sensitivity, the more movement is required to trigger an alarm.
SMTP Simple Main Transfer Protocol is an Internet standard for electronic mail (e-mail) transmission.
Static IP An IP address that does not change.
Sub Stream Sub Stream is an alternative streaming protocol for the camera. Sub stream uses less
bandwidth and attempts to keep fluency high at the expense of quality.
Subnet Mask a 32-bit number that masks an IP address, and divides the IP address into network address
and host address.
TCP/IP TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol and it is the language/protocol
that allows communication between internet connected devices, whether on a local network, or a on the
Internet at large.
Threshold Threshold is the level that the motion detection needs to reach in order to trigger an alarm.
UPnP UPnP stands for Universal Plug and Play, and it is a protocol used to easily connect devices to the
Video Tamper Video Tamper refers to any major changes happening to the video feed such as it being
blocked out, interfered with, or disconnected.
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