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T24 Application Development
Step 2 - Define the Fields (.FIELDS)
Having defined the high level properties of the application, the next step is to define the fields that make
up the application. Every application MUST have a corresponding field definitions subroutine. The name
of this subroutine is the full name of the application with the suffix “.FIELDS”, e.g.
CR.CAMPAIGN.OPPORTUNITY.FIELDS. Your new .FIELDS subroutine should be based on the
TEMPLATE.FIELDS template that is shipped as part of the release. Once defined, save and compile
your .FIELDS subroutine.
Standard APIs
Table has the following methods to define the fields:
Table.addField Add a field with standard data types
Table.addFieldDefinition Add a field using F, N and T style
Table.addFieldWithEbLookup Add a field with a virtual table
Table.defineId Define the ID field
Field.setCheckFile Add a check file to a field
Table.setAuditPosistion Defines the last field position
Refer to the object documentation for full details. Examples of usage are below, and can also be found
in the TEMPLATE.FIELDS template routine:
CALL Table.defineId("MESSAGE.ID", T24_String)
CALL Table.addField("TO.DAO", T24_String,"","")
CALL Table.addFieldDefinition("DISPL.APPLICATION", "1", "": FM : "Y_","")
CALL Field.setCheckFile("DEPT.ACCT.OFFICER")
CALL Table.addField("XX.MESSAGE", T24_Text,Field_Mandatory,"")
CALL Table.addField("DATE.READ", T24_Date,Field_NoInput,"")
CALL Table.addField("TO.CUSTOMER", T24_Customer, "","")
CALL Table.setAuditPosition
TEMENOS T24 User Guide Page 7 of 34
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