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T24 Application Development
Define Fields Only?
If the length V$FUNCTION greater than 1, then the application has been invoked to only populate the field
definitions. Several system utility programs call application subroutines solely to assign the parameter
tables for their own use. These calls will exit here.
Sets up the internal tables and variables from the parameters assigned in the .FIELDS routine
This routine handles the input of the FUNCTION to be performed (input, authorise, list etc.) and the
input of the record key. It sets MESSAGE to 'RET' if the application is to be exited or to 'NEW
FUNCTION' if the FUNCTION has been initially input or changed.
If MESSAGE is set to “RET” then the application exits.
Prefix Set?
If a prefix is set in the properties, EB.FORMAT.ID is invoked to validate the ID entered against the
prefix. Used for standard transaction reference style ids.
This subroutine reads the records from the files into one or more of R.NEW, R.NEW.LAST and R.OLD,
depending on the function being used.
Where the function is I or A, if an unauthorised record exists it will be assigned to R.NEW and
R.NEW.LAST, otherwise the live record will be assigned to R.NEW and R.NEW.LAST, unless it is also
not present, in which case the arrays will be initialised to nulls. R.OLD will be assigned with the live
record if it exists, otherwise with nulls.
Where the function is ‘C’, if an unauthorised record exists it will be assigned to R.NEW otherwise
R.NEW will be assigned from the live record. R.NEW.LAST and R.OLD will be set to nulls.
If the function requires a record to be present and it is not found MESSAGE will be set to 'REPEAT'.
This subroutine does further initialising of the internal parameters dependant on the size and
infrastructure of the record, which has been read.
Display only?
If the application is display only (FILE.TYPE EQ 'I') the input routines are used, if not the display
routines are used. If the application is for a live only file (PGM.TYPE 'L') the program will not allow
FIELD.DISPLAY is used to display fields when multiple fields per line are not specified, whereas
FIELD.MULTI.INPUT is used to display fields when multiple fields per lines are specified.
TEMENOS T24 User Guide Page 32 of 34
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