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108 LicenseAgreement
here includes, but not limited to, an implied warranty tbr marketability or fitness tbr specific
uses. All risks associated with the quality or performance of these software components are
assumed by the user. TOSHIBA shall not be liable whatsoever tbr any cost of repair or
correction or other incidental expense incurred in connection with a detect lbund in any of
these sotgzvare components. Unless specified under the applicable laws or in a written
ageement, a party who changes or redistributes the software with consent from the
copyright holders or based on the albrementioned licenses shall not be held liable
whatsoever tbr any loss arising from the use of or inability to use such sotgzvare components.
The same applies even when the copyright holders or relevant third parties have been
intbrmed of the possibility of such loss. "Loss" here includes normal, special, incidental and
indirect loss (including, but not limited to, the loss of data or its accuracy; loss incurred by the
user or any third party; and interthce incompatibility with other software). Please read each
EULA tbr details on the use conditions and items that must be observed regarding these
sotgzvare components.
The table below lists the software components pre-installed in the TOSHIBA Digital
Televisions, which are subject to EULAs. The user should read the applicable EULAs
carefully betbre using these software components. The EULAs are exhibited in their original
text _nglish) as exactly written by the respective parties other than TOSHIBA.
For at least three (3) years from the date of distribution of this product, Toshiba will give to
anyone who contacts Toshiba Consumer Solutions at (800) 631-3811, for a charge of no
more than our cost of physically pertbrming source code distribution, a complete machine-
readable copy of the complete corresponding GPL and LGPL source code for the version of
the GPL and LGPL code that we distributed to you in this pr(xluct.
Pre-lnstalledSoftware- EULA
jpeglib.h - Exhibit A
FreeType 2.2.0 - Exhibit B
scalthct.c - Exhibit C
The authors make N() WARRANTY or representation, either express or implied, with
respect to this sotgzvare, its quality, accuracy, merchantability, or fitness tbr a particular
This software is provided "AS IS", and you, its user, assume the entire risk as to its quality
and accuracy.This software is copyright (C) 1991-2011, Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding.
All Rights Reserved except as specified below.Permission is hereby granted to use, copy,
modify, and distribute this sotgzvare (or portions thereot) for any purpose, without t_e,
subject to these conditions:
(1) If any part of the source code tbr this software is distributed, then this README file must
be included, with this copyright and no-warranty notice unaltered; and any additions,
deletions, or changes to the original files must be clearly indicated in accompanying
(2) If only executable code is distributed, then the accompanying documentation must state
that "this software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group".
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