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To Clean the Filter Plate
*_ Imsure Ihe F)ishDrawer iscool be.fore you _l_rl
* Follow the above ir_slruclions for remo'dng lhe
drain filer arid spray arm
,_ In Ihe _e.nlf_.rof Ihe I_iherr.llalf_._Iherf _.arf_.lwo rings,
Hold Ihe cer_lo.rrin_ _lill and lurn lhe oul_.r rin_
_"outlier ckx kwise, aboul a V_turn Jhis will release
- When cle,ming lhe underside of the fiJl_r r.ll,d_, c,_re
/tlusl be l,_kerl on lhe sharp outer edge to avoid lhe
risk of (:ill lype injuries
* I{emove any soil. wash in hol soaDy waler and
rinse lhoroughly in clean water. Ihe healer plaie
can be wiFled wiih a damr.l cloih
* I{eplace lhe filler pl,_l_so il lies Flaiin Ihe base of
lhe DishDrawer ensurin_ Ihe filler pl,d_ is fully
locked imo posilior_ with the outer riri_. 1o lock
lhe filler plale inlo posilion, ensure lhelri,mgles
(.&) ali_n with each oiher (seeFisure 25 for lhe
correct position). I he I_iherpJ,_l_must rlol be
able Io move aboul Freely
To Clean "the M_t_r Assembly
Ibis area only n_ds to be cleaned when a U3" or
%2 fauh (:ode appe,_rsoa the Iqeclronic Display.
* Follow lJ'leabove inslruclions for lhe removal oflhe
draia filler, spray arm arid filler pl,de.
Ium Ihe rolordocking rir_gamiclockwise ,rod lift out
C)rl_selhemotor assembly is lifted up, check lhe
ยขa'dly for aay foreign mallo.r like bor_esor s@reds
and relTJO'_-e,
* I{eplace Ihe rtlolor assembly back irflo Ihe small
cauiiy in Ihe DishDrawer [um lhe mok_r assembly
clockwise aboul i_ OF,_lurrl lo lock irflo posilior_.
Ilie ,_rrows _ orl lhe rolor Iockiag ring and motor
housing rilusi align wilh each oiher (SeeFigure 26).
Figure 25-
Correct Locking Posillon
of Filler PIMe wilh Motor
Figure 26 -
Motor Assembly
1, Impeller
2, Rotor I ocking Ring
3 Healer Plal_
Nole: The DishDrawer must be used will] the mal_r assombly, filler platte, drain filter
m_d sp_ay arm corr_:dy in place.
Vacation Time
If the Dish Drawer is nol goin_ to be used hlr some time, we recorllmend you:
* kr_sure lJ'le baskels ,_re em/.lly
* Ieave Ihe inside of lhe DishF)rawer cle,_n.
,_ Ieave the dr,_wers ajar 1oallow air 1ocirculal_
* Iurn offbolh lhe electricity and w,ii_r su/.l/.lly to lhe DishDr,iwer
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