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Ihe combir_afior_ of high Lf_r¢l[leralures arid dishwasher delergerfl may cause dar¢lage
1osorl_<ail<;ms if Ihey are washed irl Ihe Dishr)rawer.
I{<;member. it'ir_ ar_y doubt about arly aspecl cor_cerrfir_ B il<_.ms'washe_ irl lhe
DishDrawer, fdlow the irlslruclior_s floral the mar_ufaclurer oF the il(_.ms, or wash the
il<_.mby harld.
Mosl everyday glassware is dishwasher sat2;. (]rysla I, very fir_e arid ar_lklue glassware
rtlay ek:h i.e. become opaque. You rtlay [ir<_.Fer1owash these il<_.rtlsby har_d.
Silverware and Cutlery
CulJery should t_e rir_sedir_lr_ledialf:ly after use.1oprf:verfl l;_rrfishirlg cause._ by some
foods. Ihe Rinsc_wash prograr_l is useful Forll'lis Sil,.-erilerrts should rlol corile ir_lo
cor_lacl wilh slairlJess sle(d, for exarilple other culler.':.'. Mixir_g lhese ilems caa cause
slairfirlg. Remo,.-esilver cutlery from Ihe DishDrawer aad harld dry il ir_medial<:ly after
lhe prograril has firfished.
Alumir_uril car_t_edulled by dishwsher delerge.r_l degre(_,of char_Bede[.ler_dsor_lhe
(lualily of lhe producl
Other Metals
Iror_arid cast irorl objects carl rusl ar_d sl,Iir_olher il_rlls Copper, rlewl<erarid brass
lerld 1oslair_.
Ger_erally wooder_ ilf:rlls arf: ser_silive Io heal arid waler. Regular use irl Ihe
Dishwasher may cause del_:rioralior_ o,.-er li/ile. IFia doubb wash by haad.
Sorlle i!Jaslic may _harlge shape or _olor wilh hol waler (]he._ k rllarluFa_ lurer's
ir_slruclior_s aboul washir_ B plaslk: k_;rtls. Washable [.llaslk: il<;r_ls should be weighed
dowrl so they do riot Flip over arid fi11with wal<er or Fall lhrough lhe baskel durir_g lhe
Decorated Items
Most modem chir_a [.laity;msare Disfr._-ashe.rsafe;. Ar_lique il_;r_ls,lhose wilh a [.lall_;m
pairfl<edover the glaze, Bold rims or har_dpair_l<;_chir_a may be rllore serlsilive Io
rtlachir_e washir_B, IFir_doubt wash lhese ilems by harld.
Glued Items
( erlairl adhesi'.-esare sofl<;rle.dor dissolved ir_machir_e washir_B, IFir_doubl wash
Blued il<;rllsby harld.
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