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Rinse Agent Dispenser
Rir1_e agerfl gives a _lmak free sparklirlg cle,m look 1o
_lass and chinawarf,. II spc_.ds lip drying and helps
preverfl melA] from I_mishiri_
W(_ highly recomrnend Ihal you r_ularly use liquid
rin_ agent lo _ive Ih(_be_t drying resulls For besl
dryir1@rf'.sull_periodically check lhe.rimse,age.rfl
dispenser to :seeif il rle.edsf Ilir1_and fll when empty,
[ he rirlse a_enl dispenser is on lhe inside of Ihe
drawer. ]ocal_'.dundemealh lhe del_'.rgemdis/.lerlser
[he dis/.lerlse.rholds approximahdy 17 fluid oz of
rinse a_erfl
Figure 22 - Filling the
Rinse Agent Dispenser
To Load the Rinse Agent Dispenser
* hlm the.plu_ _c,urfli'.rclo_kwise._about one eighth c,fa lure arldre.rtlc,'_-e.,
* Follr Ihe rir1_e a_er_l inlo Ihe cir, ular operlir1_,
* lak_ t;ar_ rlol Io spill rir1_ agerfl irflo lhe drawer,
* Wipe arly overflow lo preve.nl excess foaming,
* Fit lhe plug ba_k irflo lhe original position,
Rinse Agent Indicator Light
* If the rir1_ ag_r_th_dkator light is red_lher_there i_ liltle m rm rir_ ag_m I_ft ir_
lhe.dis/.ler]_ser Rinse agerfl should be.added irflo lhe. dis/.ler]_er
* If the rinse a_enl window is black, there is enough rir]se agenl for lhe wash
HOw Much Rinse Agent to Use
Ih<_re_ulalor may n_d adiu_ling lo suil your waler ccmdilicms Ihe Iowesl
s_llir_ is '_' and lhe highesl is '5',
* If your dishes have. whil_ slreaks_ or Ihere is e×_ essive foam ir] Ihe DishDr,_w(_r,
reduce lhe sellir]_,
* If your dishes have w,Ii_r marks, or if fle_"ks ,Ire left on glasses after dryiri_
irlcrease lhe selling,
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