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Cleaning the DishDrawerTM
[he. se.¢ondary ¢omro] panel and the front of lhe F)ishDrawe.r may ne.ed ".Mpin_
down from ti/ne to ti/ne, [ his (an be done with a (jean darnp( Ioth,
we do not r_ommend lhe use of lhe followin_ clearfin_ a_enls on or in your
F)ish Drawer as lhey Itlay damage il
* Plastic or _l_inJess _W.eJscourin_ pads,
* AbrasNe, solvenl house.hold cleaners, acid or alkaline ( le.aners.
* Handwashing Jkluids , soap_ laundry delergenl_ or disinfeclanls,
If a dishwasher cleaner is used, we would slron_ly recomnlend a Heavy Plus wash
program wilh d_lerBenl be used immediately to prevent damage 1o lhe Dish Drawer,
Cleaning the Drain Filter, Spray Arm,
Filter Plate and Motor Assembly
We recommend lhe drain fill_r be _ leaned whenever
there is evidence of food particles. [fie filler plal_ is
desiBne_ 1o be self cleanin_ bill food scraps may
[fie spray arm and fih_r plal_ may need cleanin_
abOU[ orICe a fflofllh it1 norr_laj llse or more of[<erl,
should Ihe ne_d arise,
To Clean "Ee Drain Filter
* I it*llip lhe. drain filler ce.ss panel, if filed on Ihe
* I ifl and remove Ihe drain filler oul of lhe
* Ernply, rinse, under clean runnin B wal_r, and
replace Ihe drain fiher inlo lhe allocaled space
[ he correc[ pJacemenl of lhe drain filler is shown
in FiBur@2,1,
F_gure 24 - Internal Paris
of the DishDrawer
1, Spray Arm
2. Fiber Plale
t, Drain Filler
To Clean the Spray Arm
* Rfemove Ihe bask_l carfefully, I ifl [roril lhe back
end firsl so lhal yot_ do r_ol knock lhe delerBem
and rinse a_enl dispenser,
* I ifl lhe spray arm,
* Shake any foreisn maleria] Otfl Of Ihe spray arm,
* Rirls(e Ihe spray arm under waler and wipe lhe
spray arm ,Mlh a damp c]olh
* Replace the spray arm back ohio lhe impeller,
Figure 2,1 shows Ihe correct placement of lhe spray
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