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Auto Power
VVhen lhe Auto Power I);alur<; is on il lurns lhe Dish [-)rawer aulomali(:a I]y 1o lhe
Normal Operating Mode whenever the drawer is opened, Auto Power lights up the
I-]ectrorfic Display arid a series of beeps are emitled when lhe DishDrawer is opened,
When Ihe DishDrawer leaves lhe I_aclor';,,,Aulo Power is programmed 1ooccur,
however this can be turned on or off asdesired
[-rfler inlo the ()priori Adjuslmenl Mode as explained previously,
Pressing the _ock bullon will lure the Aulo Power orl or off*
When the "smiley face" symbol is displayed the Auto Power is on arid if the
"smiJey face" symbol is riot presenl then the Auto Power t2:ature is off,
Press the )M;_,'orbutton to return 1o the Norma] Operating Mode,
When Auto Power is lumed ol)]. lhe Electronic Display does nol lighl up when lhe
drawer is opened and Ihere are no beeps Io It_rrl die DishDrawer on, press lhe
POWder btfltorl or the NI,_r_.Pal._so [_tfltorl to sblrl the dishwasher,
Note: If the mains power supply is turned off lhen lhe Auto Power feature will
deflauh 1oIhe faclory selting
Water Pressu re
Ihe DishDrawer is programmed al the factory to suil most water supply pressures
However, iFlhe Dish Drawer is used in very low 'wat<er pressure situalions (__4psi), il
may r_:suJl in a U1 fauh code, Should this happen then the water pressure selling
shouJd be changed,
[-rlter into the Option Adjustmenl Mode as explained above,
Pressing the S/at[i )NO,_{ [?tltlorl will change the water pressure settings,
[ he electronic display will show which water pr<essur<: the DishDrawer is set to, If"
"H P" is showing on the electronic dis[.lla¥ this irldicat<:s high or standard pr<essur<:
or "l P" meaning low pressure
Press the _Swot [_t!ttorl to return to the Normal Operaling Mode
lnder no ( it( umstan(es do we ret:omrllerld you ( hange your waler pr<essuresetlirlg 1o
"l P" il_you have high or sbmdard water pressure, I-ailure 1ofollow this can resuh in
damage 1oyour DishDrawer or properly
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