User Manual - Page 68

For UA78JU7500.

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Using the buttons in the e-Manual
(Search): Brings up the search screen. Enter a search term, and then select Done. Select an item
from the search result to load the corresponding page.
(Index): Brings up the index screen. Select a topic from the list to navigate to the relevant page.
Availability depends on the area or language.
(Recent pages): Displays a list of previously read pages. Select a page. The e-Manual jumps to the
selected page.
Accessing the associated menu screen from an e-Manual topic page
(Try now): Allows you to access the corresponding menu item and try out the feature right away.
(Link): Allows you to access the corresponding reference page.
The e-Manual cannot be accessed from some menu screens.
Updating the e-Manual to the latest version
You can update the e-Manual in the same way you update apps.
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