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Samsung User manuals

Keyword E.g: Samsung SM-L305FZEAXAC

How to find model number?

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#1 How to find Samsung User Manual?
Scroll up to the search box and enter Samsung + Model number. For example: Samsung WA50R5200AW.

A list of search results returned, click the search results and press the "Download" button.

#2 How to download free Samsung user manual?
Click the user manual you want to download, and click "Download" button to save file. At ManualsFile, all manuals are free.

#3 What is a Samsung E-Manual?
An E-Manual is an electronic manual present in Samsung TV. It is available on devices such as TVs, smartphones... or pdf files to download to your computer or phone. Its content resembles a paper manual, and has the benefit of being searchable and interactive.

#4 How to view Samsung Manual on mobile phone?
After downloading the pdf manual to your phone, you can open it with Google Drive/Dropbox or Acrobat Reader.

You can find these apps on iOS App Store or CH Play with Android.

Android Acrobat Reader:

IOS Acrobat Reader: