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The following descriptions and instructions will help you get started:
1. Create a Receipt Box
Create a receipt box to build a database of your receipts. You can import, scan, manually create,
and paste receipts into the receipt box.
2. Scan
Put the receipt in the scanner and begin scanning. The scanning progress bar displays the
scanning status.
3. Use a Template
If your receipts have common information such as where they originated, how goods and
services were paid for, and who is responsible for them, you can use a template for batch
processing. For more information, see Using Receipt Templates
4. Field Categorizing
Use the field categorizing feature to sort receipt information using field recognition. Click in
Image View, drag a rectangle to highlight a section of the receipt, right-click the selected receipt
section and select the field type: Receipt Date, Amount, Sales Tax, Vendor, or Payment Type
(or drag the selected section directly to the desired field) to activate field recognition. A dialog box
will ask if you agree with the OCR results. Click OK to add the results to the desired field, or click
Cancel to discard the results and try again.
5. Export To
You can save specific receipts or all the receipts in a folder as a file in CSV, PDF, QIF,
QuickBooks (IIF), or the Turbo Tax (TXF) format. Use the file format best suited to your needs.
a. Click on the toolbar, or select Export to File from the File menu, to open the Export
to File dialog box.
b. Select All Receipts or Selected Receipts to control which receipts will be exported.
c. Click Settings to set up the export style. The Export dialog box will display the file type
(only applies to CSV format).
Include a header line - Select Include a header line to have the field names exported.
Header Language - Select the header language from the list.
Encoding - Select a type from the list to specify a file encoding format.
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