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The most important step when using your Bread maker is measuring your
ingredients precisely and accurately. It is extremely important to measure
liquid and dry ingredients properly or it could result in a poor baking result.
Do not use standard kitchen teaspoons (tsp) or tablespoons (tbsp). The
ingredients must also be added into the Baking Pan in the order in which they
are given in each recipe. Liquid and dry ingredients should be measured as
Measuring Cup & Spoon
The cup is a standard Australian cup volume which is equal to 240ml and is
marked in 50ml increments, as well as standard cup divisions. The measuring
spoon includes both a standard teaspoon (5ml) and tablespoon (15ml) end.
Liquid Measurements
Use the Measuring Cup provided. When reading amounts, the measuring cup
must be placed on a horizontal flat surface and viewed at eye level (not on an
angle). The liquid level line must be aligned to the mark of measurement.
Dry Measurements
Dry measurements must be done using the Measuring Cup provided or
using a set of digital weighing scales. Dry measuring must be done by gently
spooning ingredients into the Measuring Cup and then once filled, levelling off
with a knife. Tapping the Measuring Cup will pack the ingredients and you will
end up with more than is required. This extra amount could affect the balance
of the recipe. Do not sift the flour, unless stated.
When measuring small amounts of dry or liquid ingredients there is one
Measuring Spoon the following capacities - 1 tablespoon (tbsp) and 1
teaspoon (tsp). Measurements must be leveled off, not heaped as this small
difference could throw out the critical balance of the recipe.
This machine requires that you carefully follow the recipe instructions. In basic
cooking, normally ‘a pinch of this and a dash of that’ is fine, but not for bread
makers. Using an automatic Bread Maker requires you to accurately measure
each ingredient for best results.
Always add ingredients in the order they are listed in the recipe.
Please note that the measuring cups are based on 240ml.
Accurate measuring of ingredients is vital. Do not use larger amounts.
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