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Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker
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Before using your pressure cooker for the first time, it is recommended that all labels, packaging and
accessories are removed. Retain the instruction manual. Clean the pressure cooker following the cleaning
instructions in this manual.
2.2 Before the rst use
To open the pressure cooker, use the lid lock/unlock
handle and turn the handle clockwise by 45 degrees, the
triangle symbol on the lid should be directing at the
unlock symbol. Lift the lid off the cooker body.
Before washing the pressure cooker, set the timer aside, do not let the timer come in contact with water, lift
out the sealing ring from under the rim of the lid and take out the black pressure regulator. Wash all with a
non-abrasive, mild detergent solution and rinse and dry thoroughly.
Ensure the sealing ring and the black pressure regulator are re-fitted correctly. If the sealing ring fits correctly,
it should sit in the groove of the lid rim and the 6 positive stops.
To remove any new product smell, fill the pressure cooker 2/3 full with water (add a tablespoon of lemon
juice or vinegar to the water to prevent discolouration after).
Direct the triangle on the pressure regulator to the cooking setting II and heat for 15 minutes. Allow to cool
(make sure the internal pressure has been completely released and the red indicator valve has dropped) and then
empty the heated water. Rinse and dry. Your pressure cooker is now ready to use.
Safety checks before each use
a. Lift the lid off the pressure cooker and keep the lid lock/unlock handle
in the closed position. Take the black pressure regulator off the lid.
Hold it up to the light and make sure the black regulator,
steam release pipe and the safety valves are free of blockages.
b. Turn the lid over, and check that the red pressure indicator valve moves freely.
c. Press down the blue pressure indicator and check if the spring of the indicator moves normally.
d. Remove the sealing ring, and stretch it all directions then replace it under the lid groove.
e. Turn the lid the right way up and refit it on to the cooker body.
f. Press the regulator bottom to check if the spring mechanism is working fine and refit it.
To close the lid, rest the lid
on the cooker body, press
it down slightly and make
sure it’s directly on top of the
cooker body. Turn the lock/
unlock handle anti-clockwise
by 45 degrees, a click sound
indicates the two lid clamps are
in place and the lid is closed
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