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Name Description
The speed at which you are closing on a destination along a route. You must be navi
gating for this data to appear.
V Dist to Dest
The elevation distance between your current position and the final destination. You must
be navigating for this data to appear.
Vert Spd to Tgt
The rate of ascent or descent to a predetermined altitude. You must be navigating for this
data to appear.
Other Fields
Name Description
Active Calories The calories burned during the activity.
Ambient Press. The uncalibrated environmental pressure.
Baro. Pressure The current calibrated environmental pressure.
Battery Level The watch battery level.
Calories The calories burned throughout the day.
Floors Climbed The total number of floors climbed up for the day.
Floors Descended The total number of floors climbed down for the day.
Floors per Minute The number of floors climbed up per minute.
The measurement of difficulty for the current activity based on elevation, gradient, and
rapid changes in direction.
Lap Flow The overall flow score for the current lap.
Lap Grit The overall grit score for the current lap.
Laps The number of laps completed for the current activity.
The training load for the current activity. Training load is the amount of excess post-
exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), which indicates the strenuousness of your workout.
Max. Stress Your maximum stress level for the current activity.
Moves The number of moves completed for the current activity.
Perform. Cond. The performance condition score is a real-time assessment of your ability to perform.
Reps During a strength training activity, the number of repetitions in a workout set.
Respiration Rate Your respiration rate in breaths per minute (brpm).
Runs The number of runs for the activity.
Set Timer During a strength training activity, the amount of time spent in the current workout set.
Stress Your current stress level.
Sunrise The time of sunrise based on your GPS position.
Sunset The time of sunset based on your GPS position.
Time of Day
The time of day based on your current location and time settings (format, time zone,
daylight saving time).
Appendix 93
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