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About the sensor features, gecom
The SenserFeatures detect the increasing lmmidi_' released during cooking, The oven
automatically a(!iusts the cooking time to \_n_ious t)l)es and amom_ts ot fi)od.
Do not use the Sensor Features twice in succession on the same fi_od portion--it may result
in severely overcooked or bm'nt ti_od. If ti_od is tmdercooked alter the cotmtdown, use
Time Cooktin" additional cooking time.
The proper contninex_ and covex_ are essential tot best sensor cooking.
_Mwax'suse microwave-sate contninets and coxer them with lids or xented plastic wrap.
Nexer use fight sealing plastic contnine_--they can prexent steam from escaping and
C_I[ISe ]_k)od to oxercook.
Dry off dishes so they don't mislead
the sensor.
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Be sure the outside of the c kin_ c n_tame_ and the inside of the microwaxe oxen are
(hT beiore placing ti_od in the oxen. Beads of moisture turning into steam can mislead
the sensoi:
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