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Problem Possible Causes What To Do
Flames too high or too $GMXVWWKHORZIODPHVHWWLQJ 1 Light the top burners and
low at the LO or continue turning all of
SIMMER setting NOTE: 7KHULJKWVLGHSIMMER the surface knobs to LO or SIMMER.
IODPHVVKRXOGEHVPDOOHU 2 Remove all 4 knobs.
WKDQWKHOHIWVLGHEHFDXVH 3 With a small flat-blade screwdriver,
WKHOHIWVLGHFDQDFFRPPRGDWH turn the valve set screws clockwise
WKHJULOOEXUQHU'RQRW to decrease flame size counter
DGMXVWWKHOHIWVLGHXQOHVV\RX clockwise to increase flame size.
GRQRWKDYHDJULOOPRGXOH Adjust until the flame is about the
same height as the top of the burner.
4 Replace the knobs.
Sparking sound persists
%HVXUHWKHNQRELV Remove knob by pulling it straight off the stem and
after burner is turned off
LQWKHOFFSRVLWLRQ check the bottom of the knob for any buildup of soil.
Occasional &KDQJLQJEORZHUVSHHG This is a typical electrical switching noise. This is normal.
sparking sound
Burner flames very %XUQHUSDUWVQRWUHSODFHG See Care and cleaning of the cooktop section.
large or yellow FRUUHFWO\
Flames are uneven %XUQHUSRUWVPD\EHFORJJHG See the Care and cleaning section.
)ODPHVHWWLQJPD\QHHG See Flames too high or too low at the LOW setting
WREHDGMXVWHG in this Troubleshooting Tips section.
Control knobs &RQWUROVLPSURSHUO\VHW To turn from the OFF position, push the knob in and then turn.
will not turn The knob can only be turned in a counterclockwise direction.
When the knob is at ny other position, it can be turned a in
either direction without being pushed in.
Fan does not work &RUGLPSURSHUO\FRQQHFWHG Check connections. Turn on power at the fuse box.
Fan comes on *ULOORUJULGGOHLVEHLQJXVHG This is normal. The fan will automatically turn on and operate
automatically continuously while the grill burner module is in use.
*ULOORUJULGGOHLV127EHLQJ Check that sealed burner module is properly seated. See
XVHG surface burner and grill modules section for instructions.
Poor venting &ORJJHGILOWHU Clean filter per instructions.
+RXVHWRRDLUWLJKW Open a window slightly to provide fresh air source.
:DOOFDSREVWUXFWHG Remove blockage from exterior wall cap.
Check exterior wall cap damper door for free movement or obstruction.
'XFWOHQJWKH[FHHGV Reduce number of elbows to simplify duct run.
'XFWOHQJWKH[FHHGV Reduce number of elbows to simplify duct run.
,QVXIILFLHQWPDNHXS Sufficient makeup (replacement) air is required for exhausting
UHSODFHPHQWDLU appliances to operate to rating. Check with local building codes,
which may require or strongly advise the use of makeup air.
Areas of discoloration )RRGVSLOORYHUVQRWFOHDQHGSee the Care and cleaning section.
on the cooktop EHIRUHQH[WXVH
Water won’t boil Cover pan with a lid.
Turn the downdraft fan OFF until the water begins to boil.
to reduce
flame size
to increase
flame size
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