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Usingthe timedfeaturesforconvectioncooking, gecom
On double oven models, you can use timed baking or roasting in one oven while using self-clean in the other; you can
also use timed baking or roasting in both ovens at the same time.
Youwill hear a fan while cooking with these features. The fan will stop when the door is opened, but the heat will not
turn off.
NOTE:Foods that sped easily--such as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and pork--should not be allowed to s# for
more than 1hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure
that the oven light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.
How to Set an lmmediate Start and Automatic Stop
_LYs/1 _ac_
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Theovenwill turnonimmediatelyandcookfora
selectedlengthof time.At theendof thecookingtime,
theovenwill turnoffautoroatica//y
Make sure file clock shows file correct time
of din.
] Presstile Convection Bake or
ConvectionRoast pad.
[] Press tile nm-nber pads to set the desired
ovell temperature.
[] Press tile Cooking time pad.
NOTE:If yourreciperequirespreheating,youmay
needtoaddadditionaltimetothelengthof the
[] Press tile number pads to set tile desired
length of cooking time. Tile minimum
cooking time you can set is 1 mintlm.
The ()',el/ temperature fllat you set and
the cooking time that }_)u e{itered will be
ill the display.
[] Press tile Start pad.
Tile display will sho_ tile changing
tempemtAlre (starting at 100°F) and tile
cooking time. Tile display starts changing
once tile temperature l_aches IO0°E
ovensatthesametime,the timesshowingin the
displaywill beforthelastovenset.Todisplaythe
timesetfor thefirstovenset,presstheCooking
_me padfor thatoven.
Tile ()',el/will continue to cook for tile
plx/grammed ml/ount of time, then shut
off automaficall}, unless file Cook and Hold
teature _ts set. See the Specialfeaturesofyour
[] Press tile Clear/Offpad to clear the
display if necessaly. Remove tile food
fl'om the ()',el/. Remember, e',eI/thougll
the o',en shtAts off automatically; food lett
ill the ()',ell will continue cooking after
the ()',en turns off.
I;? !ii ii : iii ii
How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic Stop
cookforaspecificlengthof timeandthenturnoff
Make sure file clock show,s file correct time
of (la',.
]Press tile ConvectionBake or
ConvectionRoast pad.
[] Press tile number pads to set the desired
o_,eIl teAllper;:lttAre,
[] Press tile Cookingtime pad.
NOTE:If yourreciperequirespreheating,youmay
needtoaddadditionaltimetothelengthof the
[] Press tile number pads to set tile desired
cooking time.
[] Press tile OelayStartpad.
] Press tile number pads to set tile time
of (]_l', "_()H "_',ilIlt tile O'_,eAl to [/IrJl Oil
and start cooking.
theBelay Startpadtocheckthestarttimeyouhave
set,orpresstheCookingtime padtocheckthe
[] Press tile Start pad.
NOTE:Anattentiontonewill soundffyouareusing
_\l/en tile ()','ell turns on at file time at (la\
you hme set, the display will show the
_-hanging temperature (starting at 100°F) and
the cooking time. Tile display starts changing
once the tempemtm'e l_aches 100°E
at thesametime,thetimesshowingin thedisp/aywi/I
beforthelastovenset.Todisplaythetimesetfor the
padfor thatoven.
The ()',el/will C(Andnue to cook fi)r tile
plx)grammed _ll//OtAI/tof time, then shtA[
off mm/maticall}, unless the Cook and Hold
teature was set. See the Specialfeaturesofyour
[] Press tile Clear/Offpad to clear tile
(lispla'_ if necessar}_.I_emo_,e tile fiAod
fl'om the ()',el/. Remember, e',en though
the ()',ell shuts (Aftautomatically; food
left ill tile oxen will contintAe cooking
after tile oven turns (Aft'. ' ]5
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