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For best results when roasting large
turkeys and roasts, we recommend
using theprobe included in the
coITveetio!7 oveR.
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How to Set the Oven for Convection Roasting when Using the Probe
The display will flash PROBEand the oven
control will signal if the probe is inserted
into the outlet, and w)u have not set a
probe teml)erature and pressed the
Start pad.
[] Place the rack in the lowest i)osifion
(A). Insert the probe into the meat.
[] Plug the probe into the outlet in the
o_en. Make sure it is pushed all the
wa_ in. Ch)se the o'_en (h)o_:
] Press the ConvectionRoast pad.
] Press the nunlber pads to set the
desired o_en temperature.
] Press the Probe pad.
] Press the nulllber pads to set the
desired internal meat temperature.
[] Press the Start pad.
_'_hen the o_en starts to heat, the word
LO will be in the displa).
_Mier the internal teml)erature of the meat
reaches 100°K the changing internal
temperatm'e will be shown in the display:
[] X,_q_en the internal teml)erature of
the meat reaches the number you
have set, the probe and the oven
turn off and the oven control
signals. To stop the signal, press
the Clear/Offpad. Use hot pads to
remove the probe ti'om the ti)o(l.
Do not use tongs to i)ull on it--
they might damage it.
CAUTION: Topreventpossl#leburns,do not
unplugtheprobefrom the oven outlet until the
oven has coded Do not store the probelb
the oven.
If theprobe isremoved from the food before
the f/hal temperatureisreached,a tonewill
soundand the dlspiay will flash until the probe
is removedfrom the oven.
Youwiiiheara fanwhilecookingwith this
To change the oven temperature
during the Convection Roast cycle,
press the Convection Roast pad
and then press the number pads to
set the new desired temperature.
Convection Roasting Guide
Meats Minutes/Lb. Oven Temp. Internal Temp.
Beef Rib,BonelessRib, Rare 20 24 325°F 140°Ft
TopSirloin Medium 2&28 325°F 160°F
(3to RIbs.) Well 28 32 325°F 170%
BeefTenderloin Rare 10 14 32R°F 140°Ft
Medium 1&18 32R°F 160%
Perk Bone-in,Boneless(3to 5Ibs.) 23 27 32R°F 170%
Chops(1/2to 1" thick) 2 chops 30_5 total 32R°F 170°F
4 chops 35-40 total 32R°F 170°F
6 chops 40-45 total 325°F 170%
Ham Canned,Butt, Shank(3to 5 Ibs.fully cooked} 1_18 325°F 140%
Lamb Bonedn,Boneless(3to 5Ibs.) Medium 17 20 325°F 160°F
Well 20 24 325°F 170°F
Seafood Fish,whole (3to 5 Ibs.) 30-40 total 400°F
LobsterTails(8 to 8oz.each) 20_5 total 350°F
Poultry WholeChicken(2_4to31/zIhs.} 2_26 350°F 180° 185°F
CornishHensUnstuffed(1to IVzIbs.) 50 55total 350°F 180° 185°F
Stuffed(1 to 11/LIhs.) 5R 60total 350°F 180° 185°F
Duckling(4to 5 Ibs.) 2_26 325°F 180° 185°F
Unstuffed(lOto 16Ihs.) 8 11 32R°F 180° 185°F
Unstuffed(18to 24 Ibs.) 7 10 32R°F 180° 185°F
TurkeyBreast(4 to6 Ibs.) 16 19 32R°F 170%
*Stu//ed bi)ds gr')_e_*ll/) _,q*li_v 30-45 mi)_utes additim*al n)asti) lime. ShiHd h;<:sa_d b*_'ast ,vilh/vil to pn,'_,e_t
o'ze_gn)w_lhq a_ d dui_ No/ *hi_*.
4Th_ {;5. l)@mCme_t o/Ag_'ic_zltu)v *(I)* "7"a*v/welLs p@_zhn; but you *houhi h_zow that cooki_git to m@ I401 memos
some /ood ))iso_ i_Nolg_z_Lsm*ma) *u)wi'l,('."(So_m_': .S@ lbod Book. }bu) Kitche_ Guide. [LSIM l?ez. /m*e 19,b'5.)
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