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The Tufftalk operates in the following order of priority:
(highest) Ambient Mode, Mobile phone
FM Radio
(lowest) Bluetooth stereo music
A lower priority function is always interrupted by a higher priority
function. For example, stereo music is interrupted by intercom call,
and an intercom conversation is interrupted by an incoming mobile
phone call.
You can set the conguration of the Tufftalk by the voice menu
instruction described below.
1. To enter into voice conguration menu, press and hold the Jog
Dial for 10 seconds until the LED shows solid blue and you hear
high toned double beeps. You will also hear a voice prompt,
“Conguration menu”.
2. Rotate the Jog Dial to navigate between the menus. You will hear
voice prompts for each menu item as below.
3. You can enable the feature or execute the command by tapping
the Phone Button, or disable the feature by tapping the Jog Dial.
4. If no button is pressed within 10 seconds, the Tufftalk will exit the
conguration and go back to stand-by mode.
5. If you want to exit the conguration immediately, rotate the Jog
Dial until you hear a voice prompt, “Exit conguration”, and tap
the Phone Button.
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