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Mowerwillnotmulchgrass 1. Wetgrass.
2. Excessivelyhighgrass.
1. Donotmowwhengrassiswet;wait until
laterto cut.
2. Mowonceat ahighcuttingheight,thenmowagainat desired
heightor makea narrowercuttingpath.
3. Dullblade. 3. Sharpenor replaceblade.
Unevencut 1. Dullblade. 1. Sharpenor replaceblade.
Mowerwillnotselfpropel 1. Beltnot installedproperly. 1. Checkbeltforproperpulleyinstallationand
2. Debriscloggingdriveoperation. 2. Stopengine,disconnectsparkplugboot,
3. Damagedorwornbelt. 3. Inspectandreplacebelt.
4. Drlvecontroloutofadjustment. 4. AdjustdrlvecontroI.SeeDrlveAdjustmentinService&
Highpullbackeffort 1. Pullingmowerbackwardsbeforetransmission 1. Allowtheunitto rollforwardslightlywithoutthedrivelever(s)
disengages, engagedbeforepullingbackwards.
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