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Aboutchanging thepower level.
2 3
5 6
8 9
"Itle 1)ower level ma} be entered or changed
immediately alter entering the t('ature time lot
7_meCook, lime Defrost or Express Cook. The t)ower level
may _,lso l)e (hmlg('d during til_,(' (omltdown.
Press 7line Cook or select 7line Defrost.
Enter cooking or delix)sting time.
Select desired power h'vel 1-10.
Ptx'ss START
X_ufiable power h'vels add flexil)ilhy to microwave
cookillg. The t)ower h'vels ell the iilicrow_lve oven C_tl/
be COml)ared to the sin:lace milts on a mnge. Each
t)ower le\ el g4\'es yell iilicF()_lve eller_.,[v a certain
t)ercent of the thne. Power level 7 is micro_\'e energ?'
70% of the time. Power level 3 is enetg-y 30% of the
time. Most cooking will t)e done on High (power level I0)
which gives you 100% power. Powerlevel/0will cook
/i_ster bm/ood m_,v need more ti'e(luem stirring,
rotating or turning o\er. A lower setting will cook more
1'_enly and need less stirring or rotating of the/oo(/.
Sollle ]()ells ii/_i_ tl_\ e better tlavot; teXtlll'e or
al)t)eamnce if one of file h)wer settings is used. Use
a lower power le\ el when cooking leeds that hm e a
tendency to boil eve1; such as scalloped t)otatoes.
P,est 1)eriods (when the microwm e energ-y (ycles ell)
give time/or the/ood to "equalize" or u:ans/('r heat to
the inside of the/oo(/. An example of flds is shown with
power level 3_-flle d elix)st cy(le. If microwave energy'
did not (y(le off, the outside of the toed would cook
belore the inside was de/i:osted.
Hero are some examples of uses for various power levels.
High 10:Fish, bacon, vegetables, boiling liq uids.
Med-High 7:Gentle cooking of meat and t)ouhry; baking
casseroles and reheating.
Medium 5:Slow cooking and tenderizing/or stews and
less tender cuts of meat.
Low2or3:I)eti'osting; simmedng; delicate sauces.
Warm/:Keeping tk)od %_r_]_;soflening 1)utter;
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