Avision AD345 SERIES A Fast and Affordable Scanner

User Manual - Page 9


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Use r’s M anual
This equipm ent com plies wit h FCC radiation exposure lim it s set
forth for an uncontrolled environm ent . This equipm ent should be
inst alled and operat ed wit h m inim um dist ance 20cm bet ween
the radiator & your body. To m aintain com pliance wit h FCC RF
exposure com pliance requirem ents, please avoid direct contact
to t he t ransm it t ing antenna during transm itt ing.
I C N otice :
Operat ion is subj ect t o t he following t wo condit ions:
1) This device m ay not cause interference and
2) This device m ust accept any interference, including
int erference t hat m ay cause undesired operat ion of t he device.
I C Radiation Exposure St at em ent:
This equipm ent com plies wit h I C radiation exposure lim it s set
forth for an uncontrolled environm ent . End users m ust follow t he
specific operat ing inst ruct ions for satisfying RF exposure
com pliance. This equipm ent should be inst alled and operat ed
wit h m inim um dist ance 20cm between the radiator & your body.
This transm itt er m ust not be co- locat ed or operating in
conjunct ion wit h any ot her antenna or t ransm itt er.
Règlem ent d I ndust ry Cana da
Les condit ions de fonct ionnem ent sont sujet tes à deux
( 1) Ce périphérique ne doit pas causer dinterférence et .
( 2) Ce périphérique doit accepter toute interférence, y com pris
les interférences pouvant pert urber le bon fonct ionnem ent de ce
W ired ( Et hernet ) a nd W ireless ( W i- Fi) N e tw orks:
The availabilit y of these feat ures varies according to your
product m odel.
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