Avision AD345 SERIES A Fast and Affordable Scanner

User Manual - Page 7


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Use r’s M anual
Do not place or st ore t he device or its AC power adapter:
Out doors
Near excessive dirt or dust , wat er, or heat sources
I n locations subj ect t o shocks, v ibrat ions, high
tem perat ure or hum idit y, direct sunlight , st rong light
sources, or rapid changes in t em perat ure or hum idit y
Do not use t he device with wet hands.
Never disassem ble, m odify, or at t em pt t o repair the AC pow er
adapt er, device, or device opt ion by yourself, except as
specifically explained in t he device's docum ent ation. This could
cause fire, elect rical shock, or inj ury.
Do not insert obj ect s into any opening, as they m ay t ouch
dangerous volt age point s or short-out com ponent s. Beware of
elect rical shock hazards.
Unplug t he device and the AC power adapter, and refer
servicing to qualified service personnel under t he following
condit ions:
The AC power adapter or plug is dam aged.
Liquid has ent ered the device or t he AC power adapter.
Obj ect has entered t he device or the AC power adapter.
The device or the AC power adapter has been dropped,
or t he case has been dam aged.
The device or the AC pow er adapter does not operat e
norm ally ( i.e. appearance of sm oke, strange sm ell, odd
noise, et c.), or exhibit s a dist inct change in perform ance
Unplug t he device and the AC power adapter before cleaning.
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