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Microwave terms.
Arcing •_rcin,,_ is_the microwaxe texan fin" sparks in the oxen. Arcing is caused b):
{{} the temperature probe _stavin,*,_ in the oxen but not inserted in the tood.
metal or fifil touching the side of the oxen.
fifil that is not molded to fi_od (upturned edges act like antennas).
me, ,l pinsg,,ld-, mmeddishes.
reQ'cled paper towels containing small metal pieces.
Covering (:oxex_ hold in moisture, allow fin" more exert heatinoo and reduce cooking, time. Ventiiwo plastic
WI'a I) or coxeYing with wax i)ai)er allows excess stealll to escape,
Shielding In a regular oxen, you shield chicken breasts or baked fl)ods to )rexent oxerbrowning X4q_en
, I ,.
microwaxing, }ou use small strips offifil to shield thin parts, such as the tips of wings and legs on
poulti_,, which would cook befin'e larger parts.
Standing Time X,\3_en xou cook with regular ovens, fi)ods such as roasts or cakes are allowed to stand to finish
cooking, or to set. Standing, time is esl)eciallv, iml)ortant in microwax e cooking., Note that a
i/licrowa'_ed cake is not l)laced on _1cooling, rack.
Venting _Mter cox ering a dish with plastic wrap, you, xent the l)lastic wral ) b'_, turning, back one corner
so excess stean/C_lll escape.
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