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Notes on this operang manual
This operang manual cannot cover all possible circumstances. For further
informaon or in case of problems not adequately covered in this operang
manual, please contact the service and sales centre.
Please keep this operang manual safe and pass it on to the next user.
− Remove your coffee brewer from its packaging
− Afer unpacking, please check that the following parts are included:
1. coffee brewer
2. Manual
3. Warantee card
− Check that your home power supply voltage is the same as marked on the
machine ratng plate
− Destroy all the plastc bags to prevent danger to children!
Keep the packaging boxes for transportng the machine
(e.g. for removals, servicing, etc.)
You may find a lile water remaining in the machine.
In order to ensure that this machine works perfectly, it was tested with water
before leaving the factory.
Starng up
Before using for the first me
Cauon: improper handling of electrical equipment is dangerous
and can be lethal. Please pay atenton to the safety safeguards in this manual, in
parcular the following:
• Danger of scalding: beware of hot water & steam
• Do not operate the machine with an empty water tank or water is less than
MINIMUM level.
• Hot water will be dropped during pre-heang. Do not put the hands under the
water drip.
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