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Motorcycle Safety
Riding Readiness
Important Message to Parents
Your child’s safety is very important to Honda.
That’s why we urge you to read this message
before you let any young person ride this
motorcycle. Off-road riding can be fun. But, as
with riding a bicycle, bad judgment can result
in injury, and we don’t want that to happen! As
a parent, you can help prevent accidents by
making good decisions about if, when, and
how your youngster rides this motorcycle.
The first decision you’ll need to make is
whether your youngster is ready to ride. Riding
readiness varies widely from one person to
another, and age and size are not the only
PHYSICAL ABILITY is an important
consideration. For example, riders must be big
enough to hold the motorcycle up, get on, and
comfortably sit on the seat with both feet
touching the ground. They should also be able
to easily reach and work the brakes, throttle,
and all other controls.
ATHLETIC ABILITY is necessary for riding a
motorcycle. Generally speaking, your
youngster should be good at riding a bicycle
before getting on a motorcycle. Can your
youngster judge speeds and distances while
riding a bicycle and react with proper hand and
foot actions? Anyone who does not have good
coordination, balance, and agility is not ready
to ride this motorcycle.
12/06/22 14:06:15 31KYKA00_014
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