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When calculating Regular and Irregular Jack rafter lengths, you will
see the letters “JK” (Regular pitch side) or “IJ” (Irregular pitch side)
and the corresponding jack number to the left of your calculator dis-
play. This will help you keep track of the descending sizes and which
side the corresponding rafter is based on.
H  — Finds the Regular or Irregular
Hip/Valley rafter length.
Regular Hip/Valley Length: After right triangle/
rafter values are entered or calculated (e.g.,
Pitch, Rise, Run), pressing H will calculate
the length of the Regular Hip/Valley rafter.
Irregular Hip/Valley Length: If an irregular
pitch is entered (see next definition), pressing
H will calculate the Irregular Hip/Valley rafter
length. (An Irregular or “non-standard” roof has
two different Pitches/Slopes.)
Subsequent presses of the H key will also
display plumb, level, and cheek cut angle values
in degrees.
Ç H  — Enters the irregular or
secondary pitch value used to calculate lengths of
the irregular hip/valley and jack rafters.
You may enter the irregular pitch as:
a dimension: 9 i Ç H
an angle: 3 0 Ç H
a percentage: 7 5 % Ç H
Note: An entered irregular pitch can be recalled by pressing ®
Ç H.
j  — Finds the descending Jack rafter
sizes for regular pitched roofs, based on the stored
On-center spacing and previously entered or calcu-
lated right triangle/rafter values (e.g., pitch, rise, run).
Repeated presses of the j key will display the incremental jack
adjustment, all the rafter sizes (on the  pitch side) as well
as display the plumb, level, and cheek cut angle values.
Additional presses will display the rafter sizes on the 
pitch side (if an Irregular Pitch was entered; see above), or repeat
the previously displayed values.
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