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On Charge 5, swipe left or right to the EDA Scan app and tap to open it.
2. To begin a scan the same length as your previous scan, tap the play icon. To
change the length of time for the scan, swipe up and tap Edit length tap
your desired number of minutes.
3. Gently hold the sides of your tracker with your thumb and index finger.
4. Remain still and keep your fingers on your tracker until the scan is complete.
5. If you remove your fingers, the scan pauses. To resume, place your fingers
back on the sides of your tracker. To end the session, tap End session.
6. When the scan is complete, tap a mood to reflect on how you feel, or tap Skip.
7. Swipe up to see the summary of your scan, including your number of EDA
responses, heart rate at the start and end of the session, and reflection if you
logged a reflection.
8. Tap Done to close the summary screen.
9. To see more details about your session, open the Fitbit app on your phone.
From the Today tab , tap the Mindfulness tile Your Journey.
For more information, see the related help article.
Check your stress management score
Based on your heart rate, exercise, and sleep data, your stress management score
helps you see if your body is showing signs of stress on a daily basis. The score
ranges from 1 to 100, where a higher number means your body is showing fewer
signs of physical stress. To see your daily stress management score, wear your
tracker to sleep, and open the Fitbit app on your phone the next morning. From the
Today tab , tap the Stress Management tile.
Log how you feel throughout the day to get a clearer picture of how your mind and
body respond to stress. With a Fitbit Premium subscription, see details about your
score breakdown.
For more information, see the related help article.
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